API Explorer

v4.0.0 (those added or modified in this version) (337 APIs)


Create Bank Level Endpoint Tag

Create Bank Level Endpoint Tag

Note: Resource Docs are cached, TTL is 3600 seconds

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

BANK_ID: gh.29.uk

OPERATION_ID: OBPv4.0.0-getBanks

JSON request body fields:

tag_name: BankAccountTag1

JSON response body fields:

bank_id: gh.29.uk

endpoint_tag_id: 7uy8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh

operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-getBanks

tag_name: BankAccountTag1

Typical Successful Response:

{ "bank_id":"gh.29.uk", "endpoint_tag_id":"7uy8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh", "operation_id":"OBPv4.0.0-getBanks", "tag_name":"BankAccountTag1" }
Required Roles:
  • CanCreateBankLevelEndpointTag - Please login to request this Role
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-30001: Bank not found. Please specify a valid value for BANK_ID.
  • OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
  • OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: OBPv4.0.0, function_name: by createBankLevelEndpointTag, operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-createBankLevelEndpointTag Tags: API,

Create System Level Endpoint Tag

Create System Level Endpoint Tag

Note: Resource Docs are cached, TTL is 3600 seconds

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

OPERATION_ID: OBPv4.0.0-getBanks

JSON request body fields:

tag_name: BankAccountTag1

JSON response body fields:

bank_id: gh.29.uk

endpoint_tag_id: 7uy8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh

operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-getBanks

tag_name: BankAccountTag1

Typical Successful Response:

{ "bank_id":"gh.29.uk", "endpoint_tag_id":"7uy8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh", "operation_id":"OBPv4.0.0-getBanks", "tag_name":"BankAccountTag1" }
Required Roles:
  • CanCreateSystemLevelEndpointTag - Please login to request this Role
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
  • OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: OBPv4.0.0, function_name: by createSystemLevelEndpointTag, operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-createSystemLevelEndpointTag Tags: API,

Delete Bank Level Endpoint Tag

Delete Bank Level Endpoint Tag.

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

BANK_ID: gh.29.uk

ENDPOINT_TAG_ID: 7uy8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh

OPERATION_ID: OBPv4.0.0-getBanks

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

Required Roles:
  • CanDeleteBankLevelEndpointTag - Please login to request this Role
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-30001: Bank not found. Please specify a valid value for BANK_ID.
  • OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: OBPv4.0.0, function_name: by deleteBankLevelEndpointTag, operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-deleteBankLevelEndpointTag Tags: API,

Delete System Level Endpoint Tag

Delete System Level Endpoint Tag.

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

ENDPOINT_TAG_ID: 7uy8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh

OPERATION_ID: OBPv4.0.0-getBanks

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

Required Roles:
  • CanDeleteSystemLevelEndpointTag - Please login to request this Role
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: OBPv4.0.0, function_name: by deleteSystemLevelEndpointTag, operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-deleteSystemLevelEndpointTag Tags: API,

Get API Info (root)

Returns information about:

  • API version
  • Hosted by information
  • Hosted at information
  • Energy source information
  • Git Commit

Authentication is Optional

JSON response body fields:

connector: connector

email: felixsmith@example.com


git_commit: 59623811dd8a41f6ffe67be46954eee11913dc28



hostname: hostname

local_identity_provider: local_identity_provider




resource_docs_requires_role: resource_docs_requires_role



Typical Successful Response:

{ "version":"String", "version_status":"String", "git_commit":"String", "connector":"String", "hostname":"String", "local_identity_provider":"String", "hosted_by":{ "organisation":"String", "email":"String", "phone":"String", "organisation_website":"String" }, "hosted_at":{ "organisation":"Amazon", "organisation_website":"https://aws.amazon.com/" }, "energy_source":{ "organisation":"Stromio", "organisation_website":"https://www.stromio.de/" }, "resource_docs_requires_role":false }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
  • no connector set
Connector Methods:
Version: OBPv4.0.0, function_name: by root, operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-root Tags: API,

Get Bank Level Endpoint Tags

Get Bank Level Endpoint Tags.

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

BANK_ID: gh.29.uk

OPERATION_ID: OBPv4.0.0-getBanks

JSON response body fields:

bank_id: gh.29.uk

endpoint_tag_id: 7uy8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh

operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-getBanks

tag_name: BankAccountTag1

Typical Successful Response:

[{ "bank_id":"gh.29.uk", "endpoint_tag_id":"7uy8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh", "operation_id":"OBPv4.0.0-getBanks", "tag_name":"BankAccountTag1" }]
Required Roles:
  • CanGetBankLevelEndpointTag - Please login to request this Role
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-30001: Bank not found. Please specify a valid value for BANK_ID.
  • OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: OBPv4.0.0, function_name: by getBankLevelEndpointTags, operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-getBankLevelEndpointTags Tags: API,

Get Mapper Database Info

Get basic information about the Mapper Database.

Authentication is Mandatory

JSON response body fields:

date: 2020-01-27

git_commit: 59623811dd8a41f6ffe67be46954eee11913dc28



Typical Successful Response:

{ "name":"String", "version":"String", "git_commit":"String", "date":"2013-01-21T23:08:00Z" }
Required Roles:
  • CanGetDatabaseInfo - Please login to request this Role
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
  • OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
Connector Methods:
Version: OBPv4.0.0, function_name: by getMapperDatabaseInfo, operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-getMapperDatabaseInfo Tags: API,

Get System Level Endpoint Tags

Get System Level Endpoint Tags.

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

OPERATION_ID: OBPv4.0.0-getBanks

JSON response body fields:

bank_id: gh.29.uk

endpoint_tag_id: 7uy8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh

operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-getBanks

tag_name: BankAccountTag1

Typical Successful Response:

[{ "bank_id":"gh.29.uk", "endpoint_tag_id":"7uy8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh", "operation_id":"OBPv4.0.0-getBanks", "tag_name":"BankAccountTag1" }]
Required Roles:
  • CanGetSystemLevelEndpointTag - Please login to request this Role
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: OBPv4.0.0, function_name: by getSystemLevelEndpointTags, operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-getSystemLevelEndpointTags Tags: API,

Get the Call Context of a current call

Get the Call Context of the current call.

Authentication is Mandatory

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

Required Roles:
  • CanGetCallContext - Please login to request this Role
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
  • OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
Connector Methods:
Version: OBPv4.0.0, function_name: by getCallContext, operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-getCallContext Tags: API,

Update Bank Level Endpoint Tag

Update Endpoint Tag, you can only update the tag_name here, operation_id can not be updated.

Note: Resource Docs are cached, TTL is 3600 seconds

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

BANK_ID: gh.29.uk

ENDPOINT_TAG_ID: 7uy8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh

OPERATION_ID: OBPv4.0.0-getBanks

JSON response body fields:

bank_id: gh.29.uk

endpoint_tag_id: 7uy8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh

operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-getBanks

tag_name: BankAccountTag1

Typical Successful Response:

{ "bank_id":"gh.29.uk", "endpoint_tag_id":"7uy8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh", "operation_id":"OBPv4.0.0-getBanks", "tag_name":"BankAccountTag1" }
Required Roles:
  • CanUpdateBankLevelEndpointTag - Please login to request this Role
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-30001: Bank not found. Please specify a valid value for BANK_ID.
  • OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
  • OBP-30099: Invalid ENDPOINT_TAG_ID. Please specify a valid value for ENDPOINT_TAG_ID.
  • OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: OBPv4.0.0, function_name: by updateBankLevelEndpointTag, operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-updateBankLevelEndpointTag Tags: API,

Update System Level Endpoint Tag

Update System Level Endpoint Tag, you can only update the tag_name here, operation_id can not be updated.

Note: Resource Docs are cached, TTL is 3600 seconds

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

ENDPOINT_TAG_ID: 7uy8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh

OPERATION_ID: OBPv4.0.0-getBanks

JSON response body fields:

bank_id: gh.29.uk

endpoint_tag_id: 7uy8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh

operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-getBanks

tag_name: BankAccountTag1

Typical Successful Response:

{ "bank_id":"gh.29.uk", "endpoint_tag_id":"7uy8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh", "operation_id":"OBPv4.0.0-getBanks", "tag_name":"BankAccountTag1" }
Required Roles:
  • CanUpdateSystemLevelEndpointTag - Please login to request this Role
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
  • OBP-30099: Invalid ENDPOINT_TAG_ID. Please specify a valid value for ENDPOINT_TAG_ID.
  • OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: OBPv4.0.0, function_name: by updateSystemLevelEndpointTag, operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-updateSystemLevelEndpointTag Tags: API,

Verify Request and Sign Response of a current call

Verify Request and Sign Response of a current call.

Authentication is Mandatory

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: OBPv4.0.0, function_name: by verifyRequestSignResponse, operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-verifyRequestSignResponse Tags: API,