API Explorer

v1 (617 APIs)


Create Counterparty Limit

Create Counterparty Limit.

Counter Party Limits can be used to restrict the Transaction Request amounts and frequencies (per month and year) that can be made to a Counterparty (Beneficiary).

In order to implement VRP (Variable Recurring Payments) perform the following steps:
1) Create a Custom View named e.g. VRP1.
2) Place a Beneficiary Counterparty on that view.
3) Add Counterparty Limits for that Counterparty.
4) Generate a Consent containing the bank, account and view (e.g. VRP1)
5) Let the App use the consent to trigger Transaction Requests.

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0

BANK_ID: gh.29.uk

COUNTERPARTY_ID: 9fg8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh

VIEW_ID: owner

JSON request body fields:

currency: EUR

max_monthly_amount: 10000

max_number_of_monthly_transactions: 10

max_number_of_yearly_transactions: 100

max_single_amount: 1000

max_yearly_amount: 12000

JSON response body fields:

account_id: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0

bank_id: gh.29.uk

counterparty_id: 9fg8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh

counterparty_limit_id: abc9a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9b1

currency: EUR

max_monthly_amount: 10000

max_number_of_monthly_transactions: 10

max_number_of_yearly_transactions: 100

max_single_amount: 1000

max_yearly_amount: 12000

view_id: owner

Typical Successful Response:

{ "counterparty_limit_id":"abc9a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9b1", "bank_id":"gh.29.uk", "account_id":"8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0", "view_id":"owner", "counterparty_id":"9fg8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh", "currency":"EUR", "max_single_amount":1000, "max_monthly_amount":10000, "max_number_of_monthly_transactions":10, "max_yearly_amount":12000, "max_number_of_yearly_transactions":100 }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-30001: Bank not found. Please specify a valid value for BANK_ID.
  • OBP-30018: Bank Account not found. Please specify valid values for BANK_ID and ACCOUNT_ID.
  • OBP-20017: Current user does not have access to the view. Please specify a valid value for VIEW_ID.
  • OBP-30017: Counterparty not found. Please specify a valid value for COUNTERPARTY_ID.
  • OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: OBPv5.1.0, function_name: by createCounterpartyLimit, operation_id: OBPv5.1.0-createCounterpartyLimit Tags: Counterparty-Limits,

Delete Counterparty Limit

Delete Counterparty Limit.

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0

BANK_ID: gh.29.uk

COUNTERPARTY_ID: 9fg8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh

VIEW_ID: owner

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-30001: Bank not found. Please specify a valid value for BANK_ID.
  • OBP-30018: Bank Account not found. Please specify valid values for BANK_ID and ACCOUNT_ID.
  • OBP-20017: Current user does not have access to the view. Please specify a valid value for VIEW_ID.
  • OBP-30017: Counterparty not found. Please specify a valid value for COUNTERPARTY_ID.
  • OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: OBPv5.1.0, function_name: by deleteCounterpartyLimit, operation_id: OBPv5.1.0-deleteCounterpartyLimit Tags: Counterparty-Limits,

Get Counterparty Limit

Get Counterparty Limit.

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0

BANK_ID: gh.29.uk

COUNTERPARTY_ID: 9fg8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh

VIEW_ID: owner

JSON response body fields:

account_id: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0

bank_id: gh.29.uk

counterparty_id: 9fg8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh

counterparty_limit_id: abc9a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9b1

currency: EUR

max_monthly_amount: 10000

max_number_of_monthly_transactions: 10

max_number_of_yearly_transactions: 100

max_single_amount: 1000

max_yearly_amount: 12000

view_id: owner

Typical Successful Response:

{ "counterparty_limit_id":"abc9a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9b1", "bank_id":"gh.29.uk", "account_id":"8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0", "view_id":"owner", "counterparty_id":"9fg8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh", "currency":"EUR", "max_single_amount":1000, "max_monthly_amount":10000, "max_number_of_monthly_transactions":10, "max_yearly_amount":12000, "max_number_of_yearly_transactions":100 }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-30001: Bank not found. Please specify a valid value for BANK_ID.
  • OBP-30018: Bank Account not found. Please specify valid values for BANK_ID and ACCOUNT_ID.
  • OBP-20017: Current user does not have access to the view. Please specify a valid value for VIEW_ID.
  • OBP-30017: Counterparty not found. Please specify a valid value for COUNTERPARTY_ID.
  • OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: OBPv5.1.0, function_name: by getCounterpartyLimit, operation_id: OBPv5.1.0-getCounterpartyLimit Tags: Counterparty-Limits,

Update Counterparty Limit

Update Counterparty Limit.

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0

BANK_ID: gh.29.uk

COUNTERPARTY_ID: 9fg8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh

VIEW_ID: owner

JSON response body fields:

account_id: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0

bank_id: gh.29.uk

counterparty_id: 9fg8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh

counterparty_limit_id: abc9a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9b1

currency: EUR

max_monthly_amount: 10000

max_number_of_monthly_transactions: 10

max_number_of_yearly_transactions: 100

max_single_amount: 1000

max_yearly_amount: 12000

view_id: owner

Typical Successful Response:

{ "counterparty_limit_id":"abc9a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9b1", "bank_id":"gh.29.uk", "account_id":"8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0", "view_id":"owner", "counterparty_id":"9fg8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8uh", "currency":"EUR", "max_single_amount":1000, "max_monthly_amount":10000, "max_number_of_monthly_transactions":10, "max_yearly_amount":12000, "max_number_of_yearly_transactions":100 }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-30001: Bank not found. Please specify a valid value for BANK_ID.
  • OBP-30018: Bank Account not found. Please specify valid values for BANK_ID and ACCOUNT_ID.
  • OBP-20017: Current user does not have access to the view. Please specify a valid value for VIEW_ID.
  • OBP-30017: Counterparty not found. Please specify a valid value for COUNTERPARTY_ID.
  • OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: OBPv5.1.0, function_name: by updateCounterpartyLimit, operation_id: OBPv5.1.0-updateCounterpartyLimit Tags: Counterparty-Limits,