API Explorer

v5.1.0 (606 APIs)


Create User Invitation

Create User Invitation.

This endpoint will send an invitation email to the developers, then they can use the link to create the obp user.

purpose filed only support:List(DEVELOPER, CUSTOMER).

You can customise the email details use the following webui props:

when purpose == DEVELOPER

when purpose = == CUSTOMER

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

BANK_ID: gh.29.uk

JSON request body fields:

company: Tesobe GmbH

country: Germany

email: felixsmith@example.com

first_name: Tom

last_name: Smith

purpose: DEVELOPER

JSON response body fields:

company: Tesobe GmbH

country: Germany

email: felixsmith@example.com

first_name: Tom

last_name: Smith

purpose: DEVELOPER


Respuesta Exitosa Típica:

{ "first_name":"Tom", "last_name":"Smith", "email":"felixsmith@example.com", "company":"Tesobe GmbH", "country":"Germany", "purpose":"DEVELOPER", "status":"" }
Roles Requeridos:
  • CanCreateUserInvitation - Please login to request this Role
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Posibles Errores:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-30001: Bank not found. Please specify a valid value for BANK_ID.
  • OBP-30008: User Customer Link not found by USER_ID
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
  • OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
Métodos de conector::
Version: OBPv4.0.0, function_name: by createUserInvitation, operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-createUserInvitation Tags: User-Invitation, KYC,

Get User Invitation

Get User Invitation

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

BANK_ID: gh.29.uk


JSON response body fields:

company: Tesobe GmbH

country: Germany

email: felixsmith@example.com

first_name: Tom

last_name: Smith

purpose: DEVELOPER


Respuesta Exitosa Típica:

{ "first_name":"Tom", "last_name":"Smith", "email":"felixsmith@example.com", "company":"Tesobe GmbH", "country":"Germany", "purpose":"DEVELOPER", "status":"" }
Roles Requeridos:
  • CanGetUserInvitation - Please login to request this Role
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Posibles Errores:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-30001: Bank not found. Please specify a valid value for BANK_ID.
  • OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
  • OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
Métodos de conector::
Version: OBPv4.0.0, function_name: by getUserInvitation, operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-getUserInvitation Tags: User-Invitation,

Get User Invitation Information

Create User Invitation Information.

Authentication is Optional

URL Parameters:

BANK_ID: gh.29.uk

JSON request body fields:

secret_key: secret_key

JSON response body fields:

company: Tesobe GmbH

country: Germany

email: felixsmith@example.com

first_name: Tom

last_name: Smith

purpose: DEVELOPER


Respuesta Exitosa Típica:

{ "first_name":"Tom", "last_name":"Smith", "email":"felixsmith@example.com", "company":"Tesobe GmbH", "country":"Germany", "purpose":"DEVELOPER", "status":"" }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Posibles Errores:
  • OBP-30001: Bank not found. Please specify a valid value for BANK_ID.
  • OBP-30008: User Customer Link not found by USER_ID
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Métodos de conector::
Version: OBPv4.0.0, function_name: by getUserInvitationAnonymous, operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-getUserInvitationAnonymous Tags: User-Invitation, KYC,

Get User Invitations

Get User Invitations

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

BANK_ID: gh.29.uk

JSON response body fields:

company: Tesobe GmbH

country: Germany

email: felixsmith@example.com

first_name: Tom

last_name: Smith

purpose: DEVELOPER


Respuesta Exitosa Típica:

{ "first_name":"Tom", "last_name":"Smith", "email":"felixsmith@example.com", "company":"Tesobe GmbH", "country":"Germany", "purpose":"DEVELOPER", "status":"" }
Roles Requeridos:
  • CanGetUserInvitation - Please login to request this Role
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Posibles Errores:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-30001: Bank not found. Please specify a valid value for BANK_ID.
  • OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
  • OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
Métodos de conector::
Version: OBPv4.0.0, function_name: by getUserInvitations, operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-getUserInvitations Tags: User-Invitation,